No One Looks After You  (installation view)
  You — Water (after Nobuo Sekine) , 2017, steel, lacquer, water, cast bismuth, tears, and reflection
  No One Looks After You  (installation view)
  You, Not You , 2017, paper mache, wood, cast glass, cuttlefish ink, and acrylic
  You, The Bride (after Marcel Duchamp) , 2017, broken etched mirror, lithium salt, cuttlefish ink, acrylic and gouache, dust, and reflection
  You, The Bride (after Marcel Duchamp) , 2017, broken etched mirror, lithium salt, cuttlefish ink, acrylic and gouache, dust, and reflection
  You, A Relic , 2017, carved cuttlefish bone, cobalt salt, gold leaf, and iridescence ; You, A Scrying Stone , 2017, cast glass and frankincense oil ; You, A Gift , 2017, cast bismuth
  You, A Gift , 2017, cast bismuth
  You, A Scrying Stone , 2017, cast glass and frankincense oil   
  You, A Relic , 2017, carved cuttlefish bone, cobalt salt, gold leaf, and iridescence
  You, Omphalos , 2017, carved Himalayan salt lick, cobalt salt, and gold leaf
  You, Her Bachelors , 2017, carved apples and stakes
  You, Her Bachelors  (detail), 2017, carved apples and stakes
  No One Looks After You  (installation view)
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